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What moves you?

How do you feel today? | What is your favorite spot?
Tell us with StreetMind how you feel, act and behave your environment. Become part of a larger network across the globe.

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Record what you encounter.
With the StreetMind App, you can record observations on the fly and provide location-based feedback on various topics.
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Welcome to StreetMind


With StreetMind you can contribute to a better understanding of how environmental factors like urbanicity or climate change influence how individuals across Europe and the world feel, act and behave. Make up your mind together with fellow citizens and scientists, and share your daily experiences of your surroundings and the environment you live, work, and interact in. How do you feel in certain places? Is it safe? Is it crowded? Do you feel particularly happy or stressed in a particular area? Interact with other people, feel empowered and inspired by a community of fellow citizens and help to make people aware of and identify things that can reduce the impact of significant environmental challenges. Each experience becomes part of a more extensive experience network across the globe. 

StreetMind is part of the research project environMENTAL funded by the European Union to address the question: How can we reduce the negative impact of significant environmental challenges on our well-being?

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Step 1: Citizen Science App Download

App Download

Download and install the free App on your Android device or on your iPhone via the App Stores linked below.
Step 2: Register your SPOTTERON Citizen Science user account


After the start of the App, you can register your own user account on the platform with just your eMail address.
Step 3: Login and contribute in the Citizen Science App


Start observing! You are automatically logged-in after registering and you can add your first observation right away!
Get the App for your smartphone here or open the map in your browser: Badge App Download Android Badge App Download iPhone Open map
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App Downloads & Manual

Download the App of the project for Android or IOS now!
Below you can also find a short App Manual with an overview about the core features:

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Open App Manual